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State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA):

Washington State Department of Ecology Information

Yarrow Point follows the rules and regulations adopted by the State of Washington Shoreline Management Act. If your proposed project is within the Town’s SHORELINE JURISDICTION (within 200’ of Lake Washington) you most likely need a Shoreline Permit from the Town of Yarrow Point. Here are the rules that will help you determine what type of permit is required. Working on your dock or bulkhead? Depending upon the extent of work, either a SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT or a SHORELINE EXEMPTION PERMIT will be required. These types of projects typically involve review by state and federal agencies, so advance planning is key to meeting your project timeline. Are you renovating, remodeling, or adding to your home? A SHORELINE EXEMPTION PERMIT may be required. Are you constructing a new home with grading in excess of 250 cubic yards outside of your home’s footprint? A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT is required. A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT requires a public hearing before the Town Council. A SHORELINE EXEMPTION PERMIT is administrative and is issued directly by Town staff.

The Town of Yarrow Point uses the Washington SEPA checklist to assist in evaluating potential project impacts. You may be required to complete a SEPA checklist if your project is in Lake Washington or if you are grading over 100 cubic yards. Certain repair projects may be exempt.
In addition to SEPA and Shoreline review, Yarrow Point’s Town Planner evaluates all project plans for consistency with the Town’s zoning regulations. These include setbacks, maximum impervious area, structure area, and height.

Application for Shoreline Permits Form


More SEPA information through the links below:

A Citizen’s Guide to SEPA review and commenting: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/citizensguide/citizensguide.htm


The SEPA Guide for Project Applicants: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/apguide/apguide1.htm


Frequently Asked Questions about SEPA: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/faq.htm

Yarrow Point