A site development permit is required when any of the following conditions are met: (1) fill and/ or excavation is over 50 cubic yards clearing is over 750 square feet, (2) adding over 120 square feet of new impervious surface, (3) installing retaining walls or rockeries over 4’ tall from base of rock to top of rock, (4) any grading or paving of an area used for a stormwater facility, (5) connection, extension, and/or modification of the public and/or private storm and surface water drainage system(s) including , but not limited to, detention and other runoff control facilities. A pre-application conference is required when the project valuation exceeds $50,000. Level 1 permits involve new single family residences ($1,875 fee). Level 2 permits involve all other site development permits that are not related to new single- family residences ($500 fee). Erosion and sedimentation control requirements are found in the YPMC 20.16. Grading and storm drainage requirements are found in the YPMC 20.20.
If you have any questions or would like help with your application, please call us at 425-454-6994 and we will gladly assist you.