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Building Permit

Building and mechanical permits through the Town of Yarrow Point are required for most work. The Washington State and Yarrow Point Building Codes basically require permits for everything, and then they list some specific exemptions. Roofing, decks, furnaces, A/C units, water heaters are common things that need permits. Exemptions to a building permit include things such as painting, trim, cabinets, play structures and some small garden storage buildings. A value to building permits is assurance that your project meets minimum construction standards which then results in safety, value and longevity. Building permits generally require a review from the Planning, Engineering, and Building Departments. Mechanical permits are often issued over the counter. 
If you have any questions or would like help with this the applications forms below, please call us at 425-454-6994 and we would be glad to help you.

1. Building Permit Application Instructions

2. Application for Plan Review and Permit

2a. Complete Building Permit Submittal Checklist

3. Building Permit Application Checklist

4. Certificate of Water Availability - Bellevue

5. Certificate of Sewer Availability - Bellevue

6. Plan Revision Cover Sheet

7. Request for Refund of Deposit

8. Original Grade Guidelines

9. Zoning and Land Use Checklist

10. Stormwater Drainage Guidelines (Rev. 03/13/2014)

11. Contact List for Other Agencies

12. Bellevue Fire Services to Contract Cities

13. Town Fee Resolution

14. Declaration of Agency


Yarrow Point